Castlevania, while many may not know this title, it is an adult cartoon based around the third Castlevania game, though a bit loosely. Many of the players are the same that you played as or battled in various parts of the game. It doesn't mean its exactly the same, there are fresh faces to the show such as Isaac and Hector, two human loyalists to the antagonist Dracula.
Despite the cut and dry video game, this show is anything but that. There are shades of gray to all of the villains, most of them, you can empathize with. For Dracula, his desire to wipe out the human race is simply because they are the reason his wife is dead. There is Isaac, who wants humans to die because of the trauma he suffered at their hands. While Hector doesn't want the humans around in large groups because they destroy his creations, to give life from the dead. There is more to this of course but there are more to these characters, the "villains". Amongst that, there is another villain that seems like she's a power-hungry vampire that wants to show her superiority by wiping out Dracula's court.
So the question begs, with all of these little tidbits, is it a triumph or flop? In my opinion, it's a triumph. They took an old video game and adapted it to television in such a way that it really engages you. Yes, it can seem a little slow at first, each episode 24 minutes long and there are only four episodes in the first season. However, the first season sets up all of the protagonists, shows their purpose. You are able to see how this came about to start with.
The second season does a resolution, explaining more about our heroes and our villains. We learn quite a bit and tie everything up with a nice bow. However, at the same time, it leaves enough open where a third season can start up. It's quite refreshing to see this. I would recommend anyone, fan or no try it out.
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